Where Garden Centers Go To Grow

Software to help you generate more revenue from new and existing customers. Discover how AI and SMS can grow your business.

Drive New Customers With Generative AI Design

Provide design inspiration and plant lists through an intuitive augmented reality interface tied to your inventory and customized to the user’s location and preferences.

Designs come with full plant list, product recommendations for planting, and coupon to drive purchase.

Garden Centers Of All Sizes Have Room to Grow With Plantista


1/3 of the plants bought every year die due to improper planting and care. With Plantista, guests can opt in at purchase to text message reminders telling them when (and how) to plant, water, fertilize, winterize, prune and more.

Plant Care Reminders

Impact: 40%+ reduction in plant warranty write-offs + 20% increase in plant care revenue

3/4 of guests want personalized design help to plan their gardens. With Plantista, guests can scan a QR code, upload a photo, and answer a few questions (address, light, style preference), and recieve instant 3D design images using plants that you have in stock. From there, a plant list is generated to pull on the spot.

Gen AI Design Inspiration

Impact: 30% increase in cart totals + 10% decrease in write-offs from unsold plants

3/4 of plant owners prefer to discuss plant concerns via chat - where they can share photos - instead of by phone. Connect your guests directly to an expert on their specific plant questions. Guests can tip based on the helpfulness of the advice they receive - a benefit for them and your staff!

Expert Chat

Impact: 30% decrease in staff time spent answering call-in questions

Get your team up to speed before they hit the floor, leveraging Plantista’s training resources. Add your own videos and input custom “pro tips” and content.

Training Library

Impact: Save time spent on training.

Leverage our existing bench card design templates to create your own cards to communicate important plant information to your guests and drive sign-up for care reminders.

Bench Card Designs

Impact: Help guests choose the right plant while driving enrollment for care reminders.

Get insights and analytics on your customers and their engagement with Plantista messages and your business. Use inventory insights to inform future purchase.

Analytics and Insights

Impact: Increase customer loyalty and optimize inventory.


Curious if Plantista could help your business? We’d love to connect!