Frequently asked questions.

What is Plantista?

Plantista is the platform used by garden centers to scale a premium experience for their guests. This includes just-in-time plant care notifications and 3D design taking into account location, needs and your in-stock plants.

When will Plantista be available?

We are currently in the Beta phase, building the product with our first set of garden center design partners. If you'd like to get on that list, drop us a note on our Contact Us page. We will be launching to all partners in early 2024.

What kind of features does Plantista have?

Plantista offers a variety of features designed to provide a premium experience to your guests while optimizing the efficiency of your garden center. This includes personalized plant care alerts tied to purchase, generative AI design guidance based on existing plant inventory, training resources for new employees and more.

What inventory systems can Plantista integrate with?

We can integrate with all major inventory systems include Square, Clover, Counterpoint and Eagle. Send us a note if yours is not included in this list, and our team can set this up.